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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hey People!-_-"

My laptop is STILL not working. Luckily, I can use my cousin's laptop for a while, which I am curently on right now. This really suckz! My laptop got a virus, probably from school, and now, won't even turn on even though the power button is lit.

Anyway, it's summer vacation!Yay!^-^ I'm really glad. FINALLY I can take a break from all my assignments and work.I feel really "chipper" right now(yeahh, lame word...), and I'm not sure why. Well today, I'm going to go with my dad to people's houses for business. So, I dont' have much time right now. Oh, I got to go. We're going to leave shortly for a business meeting. So, c ya for now!^-^

+ Sunny @ Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Thursday, March 26, 2009


Well, like my title says, I'm at Rogen's house right now...It's not my first time going either...I'm here to help Rogen out with his remaining assignments that he still hasn't completed yet(-_-). Just to say, he's not here right now.His parents drove me here to help him out. Though, I'm glad I'm here, and no, it's not what you think. It's because my laptop somehow got a virus and is now obsolete, and not coorperating with me.It's acting like a baka and not even turining on!GAH(>.<)! So, I'm using their computer so I can finish my work in computer(^-^). Yo, I have to go now. See ya'll Later!^-^

+ Sunny @ Thursday, March 26, 2009


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hey People!

This is my first post...

Er...I don't have lots to say, but school's about to end for this school year. Nothing much has been going on except just finishing up some assignments and such.

I'm going to vacation back at my hometown in the US but it's suppose to be a surprise for my friends back home.Shhh!>.<

The gloomy thing about this school year is that most of the new friends that I've met whom I've gotten close to are moving away; which really suckz! Jeanne is moving to Cali, the twins are moving to Canada(maybe...), and Myrt is moving to Manila! What's up with this!!!Grawr!!!T~T

Well, that's all for today...-_-"

See ya!=P

+ Sunny @ Wednesday, March 25, 2009
