Monday, September 28, 2009
Yay! Guess what today is everyone!...
Today's my birthday! I'm officially 16 years old(^o^)!...Dang, I'm
sixteen! Geez, this feels really weird...I can't believe I'm sixteen(o__o). Haha, well I won't make a big deal of it right now, though I might be freaking over this fact later tonight.
So, this what's been happening:
Yesterday. Sunday, after church, Dad, Mom, Lynel, and a family friend, we all went to a Chinese restaurant called Fung's Kitchen. It was also a friend's birthday as well, named Lemmuel. So, it was like a double birthday. My mom had bought this delicious cheesecake, which was called "velvet", and all of us couldn't even finish ha;f the cake, and there was 11 of us in all(one of my awesome friends came too^-^).
So after, everyone went home, and I did some homework. Then, we went to the mall for a while, and my mom bought me a whole bunch of new clothes, though she really didn't like the rocker stuff, so I couldn't really buy those things(-_-"). Then, we went home and I finished my homework.
Well, for today, I went to school like always, but I told some people it was my birthday, so it got spread around to people, and people told me happy birthday. Bleh, bleh, bleh, day went on; in Bible class, people sang happy birthday to me in three languages, and one of my friends gave me some candy.
Overall, it was a pretty nice day.
Okay, I don't have time to write anymore. I still have lots of homework, regardless if it's my birthday or not. So, until then, c ya!^-^
+ Sunny @ Monday, September 28, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Hi, everybody! Today is a special day!...Actually, for me, it's tomorrow...Still, today is KAI's Birthday!!!! Yay!(^o^)
So, if you're reading this, Kai, happy birthday! I'm sorry I couldn't get your
regalo to you...yet(I hope...>_>), but hopefully, the day will come when you finally get it...Anyway, hope you're having an awesome birthday and hope you get lots of presents and hugz(^-^). Happy Birthday Kai!^___^
In other events...
The backyard is getting redone and soon my room will actually be a room I'll like. The backyard still looks a mess with all the cement being redone, but there will be tiles which will make it look nice.
I never realized something until today. My backyard is actually pretty small! I guess I never noticed since I grew up playing in the backyard and everything. Oh, well. It's alright(=P).
Anyway, I don't have time to write anymore. I actually couldn't update all week becasue (1)I got sick and (2)I had sooo much homework and a binch of projects. Sucks! And I'm STILL doing my stupid homework! Sometimes, I don't know if it was worth skipping a grade, but it's already too late. I wouldn't want to go to high school for five years...It would be torture. Well, that's all for now! See ya'll and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KAI!!!!(^-^v)
+ Sunny @ Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Happy Birthday to Justine and Jasmine!^-^Hey people of the world! If you hadn't noticed, I put up a song...I know it needs some fixing and editing, but I'll do my best to figure out how to fix it properly. I don't have much time to write about, so to the main points.
Happy birthday Justine and Jasmine! It's September 13th here in the US, but I'm pretty sure it's the 14th over there.(It is ya'lls birthday today, right?) Anyway, hope you two have an awesome birthday. I meant to send a present but my parents, being stingy, won't pay to send the stuff(=P). Anyway, I'll hopefully find some way to send the stuff. I'm SO sorry! Well, have a happy birthday!(^-^)
Okay, so what's been up in my life...
I've had some issues, but I can't really publicize it. Though, I hope I can find a way to fix it up and stuff. Also, today I watched "Scooby-Doo: The Mystery Begins". It's the live action movie about how the Scooby-Doo gang all met. I know it's kind of (or really) kiddish, but I really liked the Scooby-Doo shows when I was younger. Anyway, it was pretty good though you can tell Scooby and other things are animated. I guess that's how it is for comedy movies. Plus, it was mainly to attract the younger kids. Still, it was good. I think I would give it a B+ for those who have a more mature mind.
I got to go for now. Maybe next time I'll write more. Until then, C ya!(^0^)
+ Sunny @ Sunday, September 13, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Hello, People of the World!(^-^) Happy 999! If you don't understand, please go look for a calendar and look at what today is. If you still don't understand...Don't worry, I'll help you find your brain.(I'm nice like that^-^)
Well, today is September 9, 2009! According to some people, this day can be lucky or unlucky, depending of what they depict about it. I read a small article on it last night(found it interesting while doing project) on yahoo, but I can't find it anymore. (Gosh, I hate it when I can't find things!>_<)Anyway, it said that this day will be the last day when single digit numbers will repeat itself. Somehow, people find this number interesting. September 9 is the 252nd day of the year, and if the numbers of 252 are added together, the answer comes out in 9 (2+5+2=9). The factors of nine, like 18, if the numbers are added together, still come out 9 (1+8=9 or 2+7=9 and etc.). There are more interesting facts about the number 9 too, but you can look it up if you like since some of you might not really care about this and find it annoying.(I'm not done on this subject yet, though!=P)
The people who find this date lucky have actually gotten married today for the belief of a lucky marriage because of this day. Some large dealers have made sale prices of $9.99 just for this particular day. There was even a package wedding of $99.99 to get married on this date!
Though, there are the people who are pessimist about this date. Other people are saying that this day is bad because it looks like the reverse of 6. (Does this mean I don't have to do homework? =D) Well, It doesn't look like the world is exploding or anything. (Darn! I still have to finish homework!>_<) There are other reasons as well, but I'm pretty sure you can search it on your own. (Sorry, I don't have much time for this blog today.)
On my opinion and outlook, to me, this date just means that it's the day before my dad's birthday and I need to think up of a birthday present really quick(0___o""")!
That concludes the discussion for today. So now, for my life update:
So far...pretty good. This week has been alright. I'm still getting over my cough and cold, but pretty much it's alright....
Um...Hmmm....There's not much to say today...(*light bulb appears*)
Well, I've been an idiot! Since I'd been absent from school last week, I was suppose to get this excuse slip signed by my teachers and turn it in. That was on Tuesday. I got everything signed, but then I forgot to turn it in yesterday. Today, I wrote on my freakin' HAND to turn in the slip, and guess what! I FORGOT! Geez! I'm a total
baka!(Means "idiot" in Japanese for non-Japanese speakers and addicts.) Anyway, I hope I'll remember tomorrow. I'll turn it in the morning than later before I leave, which I've been intending to do. If I forget tomorrow, I'm going to punish myself!(I have no idea how, but I'll think of something...Don't worry, I'm not a cutter...*ahem* *turns to someone who does*)
Okay, that's my life so far.
Sayonara and
arigatou!!! C ya!(^-^)
+ Sunny @ Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
...No comment...I'll just get on with my blog.
So, I'm at home again. Yeah, I'm still sick, but I did go to school on Wednesday. Then, my mom made me stay home again and we went to the doctor the next day.(That means on Thursday, yesterday.) The doctor just said that I have a virus, which means medicine and such won't help. It's 'cause of my immune system; it's low.(I was right about it!^-^)
Well, it's morning right now, and I have a whole lot of homework, which really sucks! Still, I have no choice but to do this labor(=P). Well, that's all for my sick thing.
For other interesting stuff: I got my new cell phone(XD)!!!
On the same day I was sick the first day, I got the cell phone. It's a Sidekick(v.2008), so it's pretty awesome. I can IM people and check my email on it, and I have unlimited texting. I think there's internet on it, but I'm not sure...I haven't checked...Anyway, it's black...and, uh, yeah. So, people who KNOW me(that doesn't mean people I don't know personally, sorry) can call, text, whatever...
Well, I'm happy!^-^
Er...I guess that's it for now....It sounds like I'm not sick, does it? I am, I'm just not showing it on here, 'kay? So...C ya?...
(That was frank...-_-)
+ Sunny @ Friday, September 04, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hey, People...*snifflez* If you can't tell, I'm sick today. So, I missed school. (It's partly "yay!" and partly "ugh!")
So, you're probably wondering, "What happened?" If you're not, (sorry)too bad, I'm still going to say. If you've been reading my blogs, I've been sleeping, at the least, at 2am. Last night(or should I say this morning,) was a record. I slept at 1:57am(^-^). So, because of the late night studying, I ended up with a cough when I slept, and then a sniffled nose and a frog voice when I woke up at 6:16am. I'm still in a coughing fit as well. (I accidentally overslept...I was suppose to wake up at about 5am.)
Well, here I am at home. It seems that my immune system shorted out and finally collapsed. So far today, I slept until almost 11am, took a shower, ate something,(I can't taste any food...It all seems bland.) and I am about to do my homework that was suppose to be for today. You're probably reacting like, "Why are you doing homework?! You're sick!" Well, no one is going to accept excuses if I don't do the homework. You see, most private schools(and probably some public) use this site called RenWeb where you can check what lessons and assignments are for this week. So, there's no excuse for me to not do homework. It really sucks that I still have to do work while I'm sick, but like I recently discovered(it's so sad...): Life isn't always fair.
Anyway, I'm a person who would do something about homework anyway. If I didn't know what homework and lessons I've missed, I'd probably be freakin' out right now, running around in the room and stressing over what I'm suppose to make up. I'm like this 'cause I've learned that no one will wait for you in life. Life is harsh sometimes, so you've gotta stand up for your own. No one, not even your family, can completely help you, so you've gotta fend for yourself.
What's ironic is that I used to be really dependent on my parents. Not too long ago, I couldn't even ask teachers simple questions like, "What did I miss when I was absent?" or whatever. Yeahh, I'm such a kid sometimes. I've matured, and people who've known me for a long time would probably have a reaction something like this: 0___0.
Okay, then! This is enough for today. I'm not sure when the next time I'll update, but if I don't, the next major thingy is that on Monday, next week, I don't have any school because of Labor Day(XD). Until then my special frwends(friends), c ya!(^-^"...*cough*)
+ Sunny @ Tuesday, September 01, 2009