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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

(shikabaneprincess.blogspot.com)(The preceding info site is where I found this pic and would like to say that this person has some nice mellow jmusic. They're on hiatus right now, so hope he/she doesn't mind if I advertise her site for one moment. Pls don't sue or report for plagiarizm or nothing!)

(Whoever drew this owns it!I'm just using it!Nice drawing!^-^)


I've died for a while, but I'm living again! Hi, Everyone! *gives hugs to each and every individual* It's been way to long! I apologize for not updating when I had time that one day.(I had thought I'd get another chance like that, but I underestimated, and now I'm stuck -_-") Anyway, I'm sure most of ya'll thought I was dead by now and mourning over me(if you didn't...Aw, that hurts!T-T), but no need to worry! I was resurrected and am actually very perky and all in bliss right now(^-^).

I have good news! I've actually had been having pretty good school days so far, and enjoying this new high school life. (I hope the happiness doesn't end too soon, though! >_<) I've made some new friends and deepen some friendships with the ones I've had. Most of my new friends seem to come from Asia, like Chinese and South Korean. (I know some of you are, well, "prejudice"...against Koreans *ahem, cough, you-know-who* but they are very good. Did I mention they are Christian, hence my school is a private Christian school.) So, life's been pretty good to me so far, so I thank life and God right now! (Thank you sooooo much!)

Also, in other happy day news, I think some of my friends in the Philz will be welcomed with some little "surprises." That's my only hint, people! Oh, and if you're reading this thing, Jeannie, "I'm Sorry! (T-T)" (You'll understand soon enough. I'll talk to you about that at a convenient time.)

Lastly, in other news, school assignments haven't been going to well. I don't much mind, though! I'm pretty happy considering having overwhelming amounts of projects, reports, and homework that I have.(Taking my time to write this as well isn't helping much either, but oh well! ^o^)

I'll end here until next update. I'm working on a Speech project right now, so got to go. I hope everyone is having a great life and days so far. I miss you all in the Philz and those I haven't talked to in a darn while! Until then, my best friends! See ya!(^-^)

+ Sunny @ Tuesday, November 10, 2009
