Monday, May 31, 2010
Heyy, my buddies!!^__^
It's basically 1am and I am TIRED. Still, I'm awake and updating everything I can remember to update. Anyway, what's been up?
For me, I have to take an SAT exam, which is used for college. This Saturday, June 5th, will be my day of torture. So, I REALLY hope I do well!!(T^T) I've been studying and keeping up with make-up work; it's KRAZII!! My English teacher, I recently found out, needed me to make up FOUR tests and a RESEARCH PAPER!! So, I can't relax for a while until everything is submitted. I just really hope I get everything done and done WELL. My brain is already dead and my summer is just messed up. I still have volunteer duty in the hospital and (thankfully) my driving lessons won't be until next month; the best thing: my dad can specifically teach me!!(^__^)
In other matters, I just killed off that blog where I write stories. I just don't have the time, and there are web sites that can just provide that anyway, so I don't see the point in really making something like that.
I won't be on Facebook for a while either since I'm going to be busy, and neither on Fanfiction (if anyone goes on there...Yeahh, I got addicted from my friend...You can blame her =P)
Also, I'm changing schools again. I'm going to a public school this time, so hopefully they have block scheduling to save my poor eyes. I want to mention that WCS, the private school I was attending, was really supportive with my condition, so that was pretty nice of them. I LOVE the cards they gave me too!!(Though, I think they didn't see that. I was mellow with enthusiasm, so I hope they don't think I don't care. It really made me happy, though!!>w<)
One more thing: I really, really am upset with L (for those of you who know who that is...)!! Seriously, I don't get a call or anything!! Yeahh, and that stupid promise that person made were just empty words!! Yeahh, as if "I was worried about you" would really mean anything!! That person said that we would still stay in touch, but NO, that person is an unreliable liar!! STUPID, STUPID LIAR!! Always forgetting about me; always saying that they would do something but forget!! Geez, there were those moments where that person was helpful, but really!!
Ok, I feel better!! Gotta go!! Dad is home and I'm so in trouble!! BYE!! (o__O)
+ Sunny @ Monday, May 31, 2010