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Monday, May 31, 2010

Heyy, my buddies!!^__^

It's basically 1am and I am TIRED. Still, I'm awake and updating everything I can remember to update. Anyway, what's been up?

For me, I have to take an SAT exam, which is used for college. This Saturday, June 5th, will be my day of torture. So, I REALLY hope I do well!!(T^T) I've been studying and keeping up with make-up work; it's KRAZII!! My English teacher, I recently found out, needed me to make up FOUR tests and a RESEARCH PAPER!! So, I can't relax for a while until everything is submitted. I just really hope I get everything done and done WELL. My brain is already dead and my summer is just messed up. I still have volunteer duty in the hospital and (thankfully) my driving lessons won't be until next month; the best thing: my dad can specifically teach me!!(^__^)

In other matters, I just killed off that blog where I write stories. I just don't have the time, and there are web sites that can just provide that anyway, so I don't see the point in really making something like that.

I won't be on Facebook for a while either since I'm going to be busy, and neither on Fanfiction (if anyone goes on there...Yeahh, I got addicted from my friend...You can blame her =P)

Also, I'm changing schools again. I'm going to a public school this time, so hopefully they have block scheduling to save my poor eyes. I want to mention that WCS, the private school I was attending, was really supportive with my condition, so that was pretty nice of them. I LOVE the cards they gave me too!!(Though, I think they didn't see that. I was mellow with enthusiasm, so I hope they don't think I don't care. It really made me happy, though!!>w<)

One more thing: I really, really am upset with L (for those of you who know who that is...)!! Seriously, I don't get a call or anything!! Yeahh, and that stupid promise that person made were just empty words!! Yeahh, as if "I was worried about you" would really mean anything!! That person said that we would still stay in touch, but NO, that person is an unreliable liar!! STUPID, STUPID LIAR!! Always forgetting about me; always saying that they would do something but forget!! Geez, there were those moments where that person was helpful, but really!!

Ok, I feel better!! Gotta go!! Dad is home and I'm so in trouble!! BYE!! (o__O)

+ Sunny @ Monday, May 31, 2010


Saturday, April 10, 2010

"What are you looking at?"


Well, I guess this is my last update before I go back to school...

Yepp, you heard right!! I finally can go back to school. Though, I'm struggling and cramming everything I haven't finished since the four weeks I've been absent. (It didn't help that I couldn't do anything for two weeks until I could actually see something!!>.<) So, that's what I'm currently doing (and will continue after this blog).

Recently, I put up another blog. I'm not sure why, but I guess its purpose is for writing. I made it if people want to share their creative side with short stories or songs and poems, and things like that. So, just email me your story to:
Make sure you put it under a pseudonym or your name so you have full credit to the story. I know there are sites for these kind of things, but I thought that a personal site between friends would be fun(^__^). I plan to put up my own stories, too(er...once I find the time...)!!
Also, I'm going to start looking for someone who can check up on the blog since I think I won't be able to all the time....(>__>)Thanks and hope this thing becomes successful(>.<)!!

Well in other issues, I have a sudden urge to write fanfics and in a current "phase" where I'm obsessed with a certain anime from childhood (which I will not name!!=P). It's driving me crazy, so I think that was the origin on my thoughts. I'm exhausted right now for an unknown reason, so my hyper self is dead for the moment.

I think that's all I can say for now. (I SO gotta get back to doing homework!!T^T) Until sometime!! Email me!! *HUGZ* to all!! JA NE!!(^-^)

Now please enjoy some of these anime pics I found randomly for no reason:
(Disclaimer: I DO NOT own!!...seriously, I hate it when they get mad at me, knowing I never originally drew it or whatever)

*Scribble Scribble*

#1 BLEACH pairing<3

#1 Naruto pairing<3

"...Can I have my cookie now, Shine-chan??"

+ Sunny @ Saturday, April 10, 2010


Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm temporarily back!!
It's spring; yay!!^___^
I'm going to make this frank and short today because I'm currently procrastinating on some important priorities, but for a quick update...

I think I've told this to most of my friends(and practically most of the high school found out), I recently had surgery in my right eye due to high pressure and glaucoma-like symptoms. I had a second surgery in the eye because of a majorly painful blood clot and because the procedure wasn't very effective. So, they did an alternate operation to save my vision. Now I'm currently three weeks behind in school, I think finals already came out, and I hope I don't get stuck in summer school or else it'll mess up my entire plan for summer, which includes getting my driver's permit for my driver's license, and volunteering in the hospital for my community service requirements. Man, I'm going to be busy!!(>.<)

Summer is less than two months away(is it two??) and I SO hope I can cope up with everything before then. I think I have about over a dozen quizzes to make up, and just about eight tests to take...Not too bad, right??RIGHT?!(T^T)

Well, that's all for now. I'm not sure when my next update is, but if I have the chance, I'll type down something real quick. Glad to know I'm not dead yet, right??
Anyway, if I don't update before summer starts(or until after summer is over..O___o), have a fun summer and stay safe!!*HUGZ* to all!!^___^

+ Sunny @ Monday, April 05, 2010


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hello, Everyone! I'm back, but only temporarily. It's the last day of the old year here, so I wanted to post this last blog before the year is through.

For me, this year has been definitely different with lots of new experiences and such. I've left friends, found new ones, and even stayed with the ones far away. I've learned things about myself and I guess I actually grew!(Well, not physically...I'm still short =P ) I've learned to stand up for my own(but still working on it!>_<) and found things I never knew I actually enjoyed!(^-^)

So, with this last goodbye to the old year, I welcome the new. I hope everyone's next year(or this year, depending where you live in the world...) will be filled with lasting memories, luck, happiness, joy, and hope throughout 2010. I miss you all who're far from me and those I haven't seen in a long time! I hope everyone has a very Happy New Year! Arigatou, Everyone! Soyonara! *Huggz* to all! ^-^
Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu!Happy New Year!

+ Sunny @ Thursday, December 31, 2009


Monday, December 14, 2009

Hey, Everyone. I'm sorry! I know that I said I would update more, but it seems that I underestimated my time and am overwhelmed with large amounts of homework, and not to mention finals coming up this week.

So, my point in updating this now is that I won't be on to update this whole month and probably next month as well. I guess you can say this thing will be on hiatus for a while. I truly apologize for this sudden announcement and I am a little sad that I won't be in contact with you, my friends, for a while. Please, bear with this. Anyway, you(my friends) can still contact me through IM until life gives me time for this. My cell has internet, so at times, I can be on yahoo IM since I can simultaneously text and do work.

Well, this will be my last update until a probable long while. Before I leave though, two quick events I want to share:
It snowed last week on Friday,
it was my parents' 27th wedding anniversary on December 5th, which is also the day I was baptized(^-^),
the renovations are finally done! So, my house looks almost completely different, yet still feels like it's been like that always(LoLz!^-^).

So, this is my final goodbye until next time. Again, I'm really sorry and I miss you all soooooo very much! I wish I had more time to spend, but life isn't like that(*sigh*). Well, here's a great big hug for ya (*huggz really tight*) and a cookie (or whatever sweet thing you like) to be on your way. Huggz to you all! Bye!

+ Sunny @ Monday, December 14, 2009


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

(shikabaneprincess.blogspot.com)(The preceding info site is where I found this pic and would like to say that this person has some nice mellow jmusic. They're on hiatus right now, so hope he/she doesn't mind if I advertise her site for one moment. Pls don't sue or report for plagiarizm or nothing!)

(Whoever drew this owns it!I'm just using it!Nice drawing!^-^)


I've died for a while, but I'm living again! Hi, Everyone! *gives hugs to each and every individual* It's been way to long! I apologize for not updating when I had time that one day.(I had thought I'd get another chance like that, but I underestimated, and now I'm stuck -_-") Anyway, I'm sure most of ya'll thought I was dead by now and mourning over me(if you didn't...Aw, that hurts!T-T), but no need to worry! I was resurrected and am actually very perky and all in bliss right now(^-^).

I have good news! I've actually had been having pretty good school days so far, and enjoying this new high school life. (I hope the happiness doesn't end too soon, though! >_<) I've made some new friends and deepen some friendships with the ones I've had. Most of my new friends seem to come from Asia, like Chinese and South Korean. (I know some of you are, well, "prejudice"...against Koreans *ahem, cough, you-know-who* but they are very good. Did I mention they are Christian, hence my school is a private Christian school.) So, life's been pretty good to me so far, so I thank life and God right now! (Thank you sooooo much!)

Also, in other happy day news, I think some of my friends in the Philz will be welcomed with some little "surprises." That's my only hint, people! Oh, and if you're reading this thing, Jeannie, "I'm Sorry! (T-T)" (You'll understand soon enough. I'll talk to you about that at a convenient time.)

Lastly, in other news, school assignments haven't been going to well. I don't much mind, though! I'm pretty happy considering having overwhelming amounts of projects, reports, and homework that I have.(Taking my time to write this as well isn't helping much either, but oh well! ^o^)

I'll end here until next update. I'm working on a Speech project right now, so got to go. I hope everyone is having a great life and days so far. I miss you all in the Philz and those I haven't talked to in a darn while! Until then, my best friends! See ya!(^-^)

+ Sunny @ Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hola, mis amigos and peoplez! I'm in a really happy mood right now^-^ Why? you ask. Well, first of all, I'm not stressed with doing my tortured homework, and second, I'm at my Tia's house! She's not really my aunt, but she's like an aunt to me since she'd been taking care of me since I was a baby. So, yeah!^-^

Anyway, I'm spending time with her and her husband, Jimmy. I missed them soooo much! I hadn't spent time with them since I left to the Philippines and more(>-<). Well, we're going to go out for a while later on, and I'm at their house right now. Soooo, that's about why I'm happy(^-^).In other news, school's been a torture house as usual, except for the friends I hang out with sometimes, and the teachers are pretty cool.Oh, yeahh! Jeanne and I talked! It was interesting to know how she was doing. I hope she can adjust well(>-<). Anyway, good luck, Jeannie!(*cheers encouragement*)

Gah, there's not much to say today...Everything's basically normal and okidoki where I am. So, until again, ja ne(see ya)!^-^v

+ Sunny @ Saturday, October 03, 2009
